2024 Recipient Awards

At CHS Global Partnerships for Research & Innovation, we believe in the power of proof. Just as science is built upon evidence, we expect our researchers and innovators to deliver results. We invest in ideas that will turn into action. This means making discoveries that will have a meaningful impact on the quality of life for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals. 

Award recipients for 2024 are as follows:

Exploring Cognitive Reserve in Adults with Acute and Chronic Hearing Loss using Multi-Modal MRI.

Grant Award: $98,598
Principal Investigator: John A. E. Anderson, Ph.D.
Institution: Carleton University 

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Achieving Exercise Accessibility and Understanding Fitness Benefits for Adults who are
Hard of Hearing

Grant Award: $67,150
Principal Investigator: Susan Scollie, Ph.D.
Institution: Western University 

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Perception and joint optimization of reverberation and hearing aid settings for hard of hearing musicians.

Grant Award: $49,815
Principal Investigator: Ewan Macpherson, Ph.D. 
Institution: Western University

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Growing up & Being Deafblind: Analyzing comparative case studies from the Global South and North to illuminate enablers that lead towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Grant Award: $100,000
Principal Investigator: Walter Wittich, Ph.D.
Institution: Université de Montréal

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